Friday, February 19, 2016

Just some pictures...

Just a few pictures I've taken lately... The common theme is pretty obvious, Penny is a grouch. I like to think of it as "spirited" but if I'm being honest, one of her nicknames is "mean baby."  :)

 She has been laughing more lately and it is the sweetest sound!  Penelope thinks she is bigger than she is and she likes to be held upright. She wants to take in everything going on around her. She is three months old now and is very healthy. I'm looking forward to her check up next month to see how much she weighs. My guess is... a lot. She's getting really heavy in her infant seat and my back hurts daily.  Penny has completed our family, we love watching her personality develop. 

Caden and Laica are doing wonderfully in school and have adjusted beautifully to the baby. They both love to help out, but Caden is the sweetest big brother. Those two will have a special bond.  

I'll try to update more soon, life is crazy (but I love it).

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