Sunday, April 27, 2014

this week (in instagram pictures)...

I do not have too much to document from this week.  Life was all school, work, and activities as usual.  Caden and Laica stayed the night with their Mimi and Papa Friday night, to allow Cody and me to go to a retirement party for a family friend.  The kids were thrilled to spend time with my parents, we miss them since we don't see them every day, like we used to when we lived in Marshfield.  

Laica asked Patty if they could do something fun, to which Patty responded, "What would you like to do?"  Laica's response, "Maybe we could go to the library."  :))  Is this my child, or what?  I didn't know about this conversation until this morning, but little miss got her library time in, we went on Saturday.  I love that my kids enjoy the library to the extent that they do.  They would stay hours if I would let them.  We do quite a bit of stuff with the kids, but it is really nice that they have fun doing things that do not cost a lot of money. I am trying to create memories, while teaching them to enjoy the more simple things in life.  I want them to know how much fun reading can be (and in today's technological world, I want them to know what actual books are). I hope that the park, library, and museums are things that they do with their own kids one day. 

The library branch that we went to has a puppet show in the kids area.  This was the deciding factor in choosing which library to go to. 

Somehow, Caden managed to stay out of most of my pictures this week.  Here is another of Laica, we were picking up Caden from school.

These two guys have my heart.  I love sights like this, and lucky for me, they are abundant.  Cody sure does love those kids.  Shout out to my future father in law, Phil, who came by Friday and cut the grass for us!  Cody has been working a lot of overtime since getting his new position, and we certainly appreciated the nice gesture!

I took this picture at a client's house on Thursday.  Tulips are my favorite, and these were gorgeous.  Pictures like this are good reminders of how happy I am with my current work situation.  Most days I do not really have to talk to anyone (I usually do, because I like all of my clients, but a lot of times I am working in and around an empty house) unless I choose to.  Thursday was a quiet day, and it was awesome.  Really loving the fact that I get to spend more time outside when I choose to as well, the weather has been amazing--it could totally stay this way for most of the summer.  

The kids got home from their dad's a couple of hours ago.  I love hearing them happily playing together upstairs.  Laica has been singing Frozen songs all week, especially while we are in the car.  It is absolutely adorable. 

I am looking forward to another busy week, with tons of studying to do--finals are coming up soon.  Saturday night, I registered for the fall semester.  It feels good to have been successful this semester, after being out of school for so long.  Summer will be a nice break, but I don't feel like school is a burden at this point.  I am mostly enjoying it, and I think that next semester will be even better.  

Have a great week!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

big love

That's my hand!  Cody proposed on Sunday evening, after we had his parents over for dinner.  The setting was very real-life (in our bedroom--laundry piles and all) and oh-so perfect.  My ring belonged to his great grandmother, it was her wedding ring (there is a band that matches).  I am honored to be given such a beautiful ring, one that has seen decades of love, honor, and family.  

This is it.  My big love.  When I daydream about my future, those fantasies do not point to a specific career path or geographic location in which we live.  When I think about my future, I see my kids grown, with kids of their own, and I see Cody with me.  I cannot imagine him not being a part of our lives.  While one year is not a terribly long time, it feels like it has been so much longer.  It is such a relief to have found someone who loves me, flaws and all.  At the beginning of our relationship, we were very real with each other, and that is something that continues daily.  We communicate.  That may not seem like a big deal to some, but to me, it is huge.  I truly feel that with Cody by my side, we can take on any obstacle.  We get each other, and when we don't, we can talk about it.  

Early in our relationship, I remember saying to Cody, "The kids have a dad.  They don't need a dad.  I need a partner.  I need someone to be on my side, and to help me. I want you to love my kids and be as involved as you wish, but finding a father figure for them is not the goal here--they have that."  Dating when you have children is hard!  Trying to get to know someone while keeping distance between them and the most important part of your life just does not work.  At least for me it didn't.  As soon as I got the feeling that this one was going to stick, I introduced him to the kids.  Within a few days, Cody had purchased  a rocket kit, for he and Caden to build together.  He immediately stepped in to help me, and the kids quickly warmed to him.  The three of us are pretty close-knit group, and I was surprised at how easily Cody fit into our family.  It fills my heart to see how he loves the kids.  A stranger would never know that he wasn't their dad.  His love for Caden and Laica is obvious, which makes me love him even more.

I am in one of the happiest seasons of my life.  My kids are wonderful, Cody is my rock, and my ex husband and I get along better than we have in years.  We are all in this together, raising our kids to be productive people.  I am confident in my relationship, my job and school, and myself.  I would not change a single thing, even though there were certainly some dark times along the way.  Each set-back, every stumble, every tear played a part in where I am now.  I am so grateful for my family and friends, who love me unconditionally.  I am one lucky girl, and I will never forget it. 

I would like to say that every day from now will be perfect, all sunshine and rainbows and clear skies.  Fact is, life is far from perfect.  Our relationship will endure trials, as all real relationships do.  A close friend reminded me of some advice that I gave her during a rough patch in her relationship, "What is a month in a life-long relationship?"  Meaning, in thirty years, will this rough patch hold any significance?  Are you in this for the long haul?  If so, then what is the choice but to endure it and grow from it? 

 This is it. I expect this to be my forever.  Knowing Cody has shown me how incredible it is to have a helpful, supportive partner.  We compliment each other, we are a team.  In this phase of my life, I am so grateful.  I have lived on the other side, and will never take this peace and happiness for granted.

I will leave with a few pictures from the past week.  Love this little family so much!

Isn't this the most adorable thing you have ever seen?  I love these two guys.  One of Cody's many talents is gardening... we cannot wait to harvest and eat some fresh vegetables!  The kids love helping with the garden.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Here are just a few pictures from the last week to catch up.  We have been really busy lately, with both Caden and myself trying to have a strong last six (or so) weeks of school.  Caden's baseball started Monday, and I am looking forward to cheering him on at his games.  During practice, Laica wanted to go play on the playground and I met another mom while we were there.  I cannot remember her name, but based on ten or fifteen minutes of conversation, I can tell that baseball practice will be entertaining.  :)  I am not always the most social person, so it surprised me when she sort of made plans to see us next week, same place.  My text to Cody afterward, "I just made a mom friend at the park, it was kind of sweet."  

Saturday, the kids and I visited our local art museum and "Justin's library."  (Cody's best friend works at one of the libraries in town.)

I sure do love these little stinkers, even if they are spoiled rotten.  

On Monday in the middle of driving somewhere during the workday, I got a flat tire.  On Campbell.  Wearing a dress.  Luckily, I had someone not too far behind me.  Unluckily, neither of us had a jack and I had to wait at my car for awhile.  I also had to help with it--and while I appreciated the hands-on lesson that I received, I was wearing a dress.  Not the worst day, but definitely an annoyance.

After the tire debacle, we wrapped up work early for the day, (have I ever mentioned that I LOVE working for myself?) and I came home to find this guy, looking pretty cute on my bed.

Meet Dickey, Cody's cat.  Those that know me well know that I am not a huge animal person, but every once and awhile I will pet him.  He gets a lot of attention from Cody, so he is certainly not neglected. 

Got some fabric and busted out the sewing machine.  I am not finished yet (maybe this weekend--haven't sewn in forever and I need a new package of straight pins) but am hoping this will turn into my new favorite skirt for spring and summer.  

Adding baseball to our mix of work, school, gymnastics, and yoga means that we will be even more busy than usual, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  We are looking forward to a fun-filled weekend.  Tonight, I am going with some friends to the season opening of an antiques house in Billings.  Looking forward to a little leisure time away from the house, but over all it has been a great week.  I get to meet a new baby that is coming Monday, and couldn't be more excited about it.  Had lunch with the mom-to-be yesterday (Hi, Kasey!) and I guess she is a little excited and ready to meet him, too.  

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


This will not be a substantial post, as I am distracting myself in the middle of homework.  I am trying to stay on track and finish my semester strong.  (I think I can, I think I can...) 

Last night, after yoga, we worked on some inversions.  Funny thing was my attitude was pretty crappy yesterday, but... I got my feet off the ground, balancing on my head and hands!  My legs aren't ready to fully extend, but it is quite the accomplishment for me.  As I was upside down, I said out loud, "I can't believe I am doing this!"

It feels good to see that work and practice are achieving results.  It feels good to feel proud. While maybe it was just a silly half-headstand, (or three or four... once I had it, I couldn't stop) it was a moment that turned my mood around... and I needed it.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

i get by with a little help from my friends

Writing my last post, about Jessikah, really made me think about friendship.  I am the sort of girl who has a small, close group of friends.  When it comes to the people I choose to spend my time with,  quality trumps quantity, every time.  Just as our lives go through different seasons, relationships do, as well.

My girls are amazing.  If any of you read this, I will not name you, but please be aware that, yes, I am referring to you. :)

I moved to Marshfield in the second half of sixth grade.  What a rough age to change schools (but I will be forever thankful that at 12 I had the good sense to move myself and my sisters in with the stable parent, our dad).  I cannot even imagine who I would be today if I had not gotten out of that small town, because just the thought of what could have been makes me cringe.  I like to hope that I would be the same person that I am today, but I am fine not knowing.

My first and only best friend for a long time rode my bus.  I can still remember her lugging a boombox onto the bus to provide music for the ride.  We grew close and grew up together.  If I was not at her house, she was at mine.  Sometimes we were at neither, and once it caught up to us and all parents found out, and they had the police looking for us (we were not found until morning when we were scheduled to be home).  Most of my junior high and high school memories include her.  Right now, life has happened in the last few years and we do not see each other except in the checkout line at the grocery store, or at the rare group gathering that may take place.  I need to make an effort to change this, as I miss her and her wonderful family.  Life does get busy, but we also choose how we spend our time... and it is time for me to make some different choices.  This gal and I have been through it all together:  good times, bad times, sad times, dangerous times... and the only thing I would change is the amount we see each other now (and maybe find you in Sam's house to prevent that one grounding you received).  You know who you are.  I love you, you are such a huge part of my past, want you to be part of my present. I could write a book based on our antics.  I am in the happiest place I have ever been, and you will love the love of my life.  It also disappoints me that Laica doesn't remember you, we need to change that.  I will be calling or texting soon, you can expect it.  xoxo

Next up, is someone who I didn't really become friends with until my senior year of high school, and she became the person that, to this day, I speak to every single morning (and sometimes more than that throughout the day).  I became friends with her because she was besties with Jessikah, who I had become close to after a certain vomiting incident that involved too much alcohol and Pete's Dragon.  We have been through good, bad, happy, sad.  She was there for me for every important event it my life.  We have had so many great times, I could not even begin to list them all or chose favorites.  She is the first person I call to tell gossip news to.  She is my best friend, and I hope to have her in my life for many, many more years.  Salty, you are one of a kind.

The next person was my most recent room mate...and we were also roomies back in 2005 for over a year.  We have gone through so much, and had so much fun together.  Can say with confidence that out of all of my friends, I have spent the most time dancing with her.  We have been to concerts, (Beck!) festivals, movies, stayed in and put sponge rollers in her hair and painted nails.  She is the sort of girl that becomes a sister.  I love her and her family.  She has gorgeous twin baby girls, and her husband is a phenomenal support to her.  I could write an entire post on Carly, but I will not. Our friendship is one that has been through trials... But, we came back to one another, squashed the ridiculousness, and went back to loving one another and wanting to spend time together.  I want her kids to like me the best of all of their mommy's friends. ;) Aunt Brooke is the best.

I could write an individual post about each of my close friends, and I may in the future.  I don't want to leave out my cousin-friend, Kasey.  I will soon be able to snuggle her baby boy, Bowen, who will be here in about eleven days, if not before then.  She has been, is, and always will be there for me.  I will always know what is going on with her.  We eat lunch when we can to stay in touch, I cherish those times.  This is another girl who has provided me with too many memories to bring up.  I am thrilled to be able to hold her new baby soon.  I also love Kasey's mom, Trish.  There is no other like her, and she has always been very real with me, and I respect that.

Ms. Jamie moved off to Texas, but I got to eat dinner with her recently when she was in town.  I will see her in September, when she gets married.  It will be my first time to visit Texas, and I am more than a little excited about it.

I am leaving out many important people, there will be more friendship posts in the future.  Right now I will snuggle up to by life-long best friend, Cody, and watch silly television until I drift off to dreamland. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

my angel

This post is simply for myself.  I hope that others enjoy reading it, but this is a post that will be therapeutic for me to write.  Cancer.  If there is one word that I hate, cancer is it.  It has unfairly taken lives of several of my loved ones, and, for lack of better words, I HATE it.

The wife of a couple that is very close to me has recently been diagnosed with leukemia.  Damn it.  I will devote a special future post to Ellen, as she is sort of an adopted parent to me.  Prognosis good, but she has a battle ahead of her.

Receiving news such as that hit me like a ton of bricks.  It also brought back many memories of the trials my guardian angel, Jessikah.  Cancer took her life far too early, she didn't even reach her mid-twenties.  Left behind a husband, two small, beautiful girls, and many other friends and family members who miss her dearly to this day.  She left us here on earth in 2007.  As the years pass, it is easier, but I have days when I am reminded of a special time we had and I sob on the way to work.  I often wonder how my life would be different if she were still here.  While she being alive would not change everything, I know that my life would be different in many ways if she were alive and healthy today.

I feel her around me often.  Not everyday, but when I need it. I know she is there, helping me out along the way.  There are two songs that will immediately bring me to tears, "Meet Virginia" by Train, and "Hand In My Pocket" by Alanis.  I fee so lucky that I got to attend the Alanis concert with Jessikah and other amazing ladies by my side.

She plays songs for me.  When life it trying, she lets me know that she is there.  Music was  huge part of our lives, whether it be a concert, jamming in the Choco, Shania Twain concerts with pool sticks, or the odd drunken karaoke performance.  

I am not the most faithful person.  I like to believe that there is a Heaven, but I haven't figured out the rest of my sprirtual journey yet.  I do believe this:  Jessikah Lyn Hopper is my guardian angel.  I miss her so much, and wish she were still here; but I talk to her often, and through music she gives me the advice I need.  

Jess's motto and favorite Beatles tune was, "All You Need Is Love".... I am learning that they were right.