Saturday, January 17, 2015

looking forward

I have never been one who makes resolutions for the new year.  My feelings around January 1st include disbelief that the past year flew by at warp speed, the anticipation and excitement of a fresh start, and hope that the new year will be my best one yet.  

Cody and I spent NYE at home by ourselves.  The kids stayed with their Granny and Papa (Becky and Harold) and we vegged on the couch, eating little smokies and cheese dip, and watching Netflix.  We went to bed around 11:15, as I was struggling to keep my eyes open past 10.  We are early risers, and are usually in bed between 8-830 and asleep by 9.  Party animals. 

We had great conversation that night, which got me to thinking about my expectations of myself for 2015.  I have to remain in control of my emotions and thoughts.  I feel 100% better than I have the past few months, most of that is due to making a conscious effort to worry less and enjoy the present.  Anxiety is a bitch, but my hope is to make it my bitch and keep it at bay.  

I have not been working out or practicing yoga as much as I should, but I haven't totally stopped, either.  I have a lesson scheduled for Tuesday night, then I shall suck it up and get back in some hot classes.  I am lucky to have good friends (and the best sister) to practice with.

I am making a concentrated effort to keep myself as happy as I am right now.  I had a couple of days off this week, and took full advantage of them.  I am feeling good about my classes and got started with coursework on Tuesday.  

Wednesday, I drove to Marshfield on a whim and Patty highlighted my hair for me.  It turned out great, I had forgotten how much I like having my hair blonde.  It was nice to get to visit with Patty and the other women who work in the salon, and I also got to see Mariah and Chesley.  

Yesterday I had lunch with Kasey, and we got caught up after not seeing each other for far too long.  It was great to see her, and cannot wait to get to snuggle on Bowen sometime soon.

Caden has had excellent behavior at school since going back after Christmas, and we are so proud of him.  Having family time (nearly) every night has really helped.  We play a board game, play dough, watch a movie, or make cookies.  After school yesterday we got to go to the park for awhile before I took them to their dad's for the weekend.  It was absolutely gorgeous out, and so fun to see them happy and playing outdoors.

I can't figure out how to get pictures off of my phone and onto the blog, maybe I will have Cody help me with that this weekend.  Caden has a basketball game at eight this morning, the they are staying with Clint until Monday.  I am looking forward to the long weekend with my man and the nice weather.  Yesterday got up to around 58 degrees (according to my phone when I looked at it at the park) and it was blissful.  Sunshine does wonders for me!  While I am not to the point where I am ready for winter to be gone, it is so refreshing to have a string of nice days in the forecast (and it looks like there isn't even a storm brewing yet--we all know how Missouri weather is). 

I am going to try to blog more frequently, as writing is a great outlet for me.  I am taking 12 hours this semester (4 classes).  Therefore, school will be taking precedent over reading and writing for fun, but I hope to maintain some balance and engage in things I enjoy.  My goal for the year is peace and happiness (wow, that sounds so hippie and "far out, man" :)).  I know that doing things for myself that I enjoy will aid in this process.

I am looking forward to writing more soon.  Get outdoors this weekend!