Sunday, April 3, 2016


Penny turned four months old on March 20th (I'm keeping track of her age according the the calendar date, not the number of weeks.)  She's the third child, if I have learned anything at all when it comes to being a mom, it is to let go of the things that are not important. Letting go, in any aspect, does not come easily for me.  I try.

I took a late nap with Penny yesterday, and paid for it this morning.  Aside from her not staying in her own bed, she woke up around 4:30 this morning, ready to party.  I waved the white flag and got up with her, she had already woken me at least four times prior to this.  She is now snoozing and I am up blogging and drinking instant coffee because I really need to go to the market today.  (Side note, a friend that I talk to almost everyday and I do most of our shopping at the little Walmart Neighborhood Markets.  We joked once that it sounded way more upscale to refer to it simply as "the market."  It was a silly conversation but it stuck for me.

Life with Penny is getting easier most days.  Damn, that girl is strong-willed.  I have no idea where she gets it.  ;)  Her huge grins, laughs, and constant baby chatter are so cute they make up for the trying times.  When she is mad, she makes a noise where she "rolls her r's"... I assume she is cursing at me in some baby Spanish language.  It is sort of hilarious when she does it, which is all the time.  We have to keep a sense of humor with this one.  Have to.

Caden and Laica are thriving.  I am so proud of those two.  They are each having an amazing year at school.  Excellent grades and behavior, all year.  They also have had near perfect attendance.  They are doing great with Penny and they love that she has become more interactive.  

Caden recently got promoted to the intermediate martial arts class and is now a green belt.  I love that he has chosen an activity that he enjoys so much.  It is a bit expensive, but worth every penny. 

 Laica still does gymnastics and is learning new things each week.  She looks forward to going. She recently had a school program in which she had a solo and a speaking part.  She rocked it!  I can totally see her doing drama in the future.

I am hoping to get back into my yoga practice soon, between work and having Penny a lot (she has the best babysitter two days a week, we love our Miss Bonnie) I stay busy. (Duh.)

I am going to wrap up this post with some pictures, I was hoping to write something a little more deep, but maybe next time.  I just joined a book club and I got my book in the mail yesterday (I love Amazon Prime) and need to start making the time to read again.  I love reading, just have not made time for it since Penelope entered our lives! 

Check back soon!