Saturday, February 28, 2015

what I wear to bed...

This topic is not one that I would ever normally write about, but for the sake of getting back into blogging and completing this self-imposed challenge, I shall share with the world what I wear while sleeping at night.

I am going to do my to do my best to not get into "TMI" (too much information, for the older crowd that may be reading. :)) but at the same time, this is my blog and I want to keep it a space where I do not feel the need to censor myself.  It is a diary of sorts, I just choose to share it with whoever wants to read it.  Moving on...

Full disclosure:  I love lingerie.  Nightgowns, teddies, baby dolls, corsets... love.  Some women buy shoes.  I buy lingerie.  That being said, not all of it is for sleeping.  

As far as sleeping goes, I usually sleep in a nightgown, (cute ones, not grandma style) or a t-shirt or tank and underwear.  I would like to be able to sleep topless and in only underwear (I get hot when I sleep) but I am often woken up my one of my children for some ridiculous reason in the middle of the night.  While the are lead right back to their bedrooms, I prefer to have a shirt on if I have to jump out of bed.  :)

Back on the topic of lingerie, if you're interested in buying some, check out Amazon.  Everything I get is great quality and inexpensive.  (We also have a prime account, therefore it arrives in two days--awesome.  Gotta love (semi)instant gratification.)

I recently got some skinny sweats at Old Navy on clearance, and I have been wearing them a lot.  I like guys sweatpants, because they do not get too short when they're laundered. I love Victoria's Secret's PINK line, but it is a little pricey for me.  I buy undies, perfume, and the occasional bra there... that stuff is expensive, too, but the quality is unbeatable.

I think that I have adequately covered what is covering my body while I am in bed.  I am sure that you were all on the edge of your seat reading it. ;)  One of my favorite songs just came on, "Make Her Say" by Kid Cudi.  Give it a listen, the collaboration of the songs involved in it is smart and hilarious.

Next topic asks me to list "5 things that irritate me about males and 5 things that irritate me about females".  This should be a fun one, I may even start it later tonight.  Right now, I am going to finish my steaming mug of chai tea and maybe clean the kids' room.  Maybe.  It is highly likely that I will get sucked into some Netflix or HBO GO and just chill in my nice, clean house. 

Please, someone, anyone... give me spring.  Now.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Blogging Challenge Day 3: What kind of person am I attracted to?

Like most adults, I have been in relationships that didn't work out.  I was engaged to my high school boyfriend (who proposed to me at my graduation--we were young but let it be noted that public proposals--even if it in no way involves me--make me cringe). Just, no.  That is a moment that should be private and intimate.  I was married (not to the high school boyfriend, we never even set a date) for six years, but one of those years was spent separated.  After the divorce, I dated a few different guys on casual basis.  I had fun and met some interesting people, but I also had some pretty terrible dates.  All of this relationship and dating experience has helped me form opinions on what traits I find attractive in others.

I interpreted this blogging topic as asking what sort of person I was attracted to in a romantic way. However, I suppose that it could also be asking what characteristics are appealing when forming friendships.

First of all, personality and sense of humor are EVERYTHING.  I would choose the funny guy with average looks over the guy who is hot, but totally sucks.  Looks used to be more important, but getting older changes one's perspective and preferences.

At the wise, old age of 30, I have learned what I do and do not like when it comes to choosing a mate.  Trial and error (so many errors!) is at times difficult, but I made it.  I am where I want to be with someone who complements me perfectly.  He is truly my better half.  Love is just incredible...I may be being way too a tad bit mushy.  Cody is out of town for the weekend, and am missing my best friend.   Some of this is going to be really superficial, but the following physical and personality traits are what I am attracted to:

1.  Self-confidence (but not arrogant and douchey, there is a difference)
2.  Independence
3.  Intelligence.  I like people who are smart.
4.  Outgoing (because I am not) and funny
5.  Being OK with not being the center of attention
6.  Honesty
7.  Musical and/or athletic talent
8.  Average or above-average height.  I like tall guys.
9.  Will attempt to fix something on their own before paying someone to do it
10. Can work on automobiles
11.  Masculinity (hairy chests and such)
12.  Having the ability to put me in my place... I can be a lot to deal with at times.  I like to think I'm just doing my part to keep life interesting.  :)  Cody and I do not have too much personal drama, but I can certainly be a pain in the ass if I am unhappy about something.  Cody is great at knowing when to appease me and when to tell me to knock it off.
13.  Sensitivity, in moderation and in appropriate situations, is a good thing.  I like a guy who is not afraid to show or tell me his feelings.  I do not need to know those feelings 24/7 (especially if those feelings involve whining).
14.   Must be able to take a joke, and a lot of sarcasm.  Again, I can be a total ass.
15.  Finally, I need to have feelings of safety and peace, as well as a strong emotional connection.

This list contains preferences, not deal breakers.  We are all human.  Humans mess up.  We all do.  A lot...and then a few more times.  Life happens.  Being part of a dynamic team makes the tough times bearable and the good times incredible.  Life is a journey.  Appreciate each stage of the journey, as it passes far too quickly

Missing this guy, but know that he is having so much fun with his friends.

Next challenge post, "What you wear to bed..."  I bet the anticipation for that post is just about unbearable.

How I have changed in the last two years?

It is pretty safe to say that I have experienced a considerable amount of self-growth during the last couple of years.  Some of the aforementioned  growth I can attribute to time, some to my own determination, and a lot of it to my soul mate, best friend, partner in which I am navigating this crazy life with, and the love of my life, Cody.

I love this man so much, and my children love him, too.  We were meant to be and will grow old a tiny home in the mountains somewhere, and we cannot wait for it.  When the kids move out, we are out of here!  :)


Cody is getting ready to switch to a different department in his building, so the beard had to go.  I miss it, but I know it will be back some time (and he is hot either way, so it doesn't really matter to me).

Our two-year anniversary is approaching, and I can say with certainty that this relationship has changed me for the better.  Before Cody and I met, I was drinking beer (not too many, but still, almost every day) and going out way too often.  Don't get me wrong, when my kids were home I did not behave this way, but for a long time Clint and I did one week on, one week off.  My one week off was full of wild shenanigans of a single gal looking for a decent guy (not that you ever find a keeper in a bar.  Fling? Yes.  Long-term, no.  At least, not in my experience).

I owe my meeting Cody to my friends, Portland and Andy.  I simply asked them if they had any cute, single friends, and they thought for a moment and then came up with Cody.  Andy sent him a text that night, we became facebook friends and exchanged numbers.  After a week of flirty banter, we planned to go to a barbeque at Portland's on a certain Thursday night.  Being the forward person that I am, I asked him if he wanted to hang out with me Wednesday night after I got off of work at Cato (the night before we were supposed to meet).  He agreed, though he had to be up early for work the next day.  I took a six pack of beer and we talked for hours and were basically inseparable from that point on. 

Due to weird living situations in both of our lives, we moved in together after knowing each other for two months.  It has been the best decision that I have ever made.  I am the happiest that I have ever been in my life, and my kids and I have an excellent man to lead our family.  We would already be married if I were not going back to school.  When I graduate, we are going to have a destination wedding, then a party reception when we get back into town.

Being with Cody has taught me many things, but I will list some to fulfill the point of this post, explaining how I have changed in the last two years.

1.  I have learned that I do not have to be afraid of arguing or disagreeing with him.  We have fights, as all couples do, but we treat each other with respect.  No yelling, no cursing, and no name calling.  We talk it out in the garage, cry, then kiss and make up.  This is forever, and we both know it.

2.  I have gotten better at asking for help.  I am extremely independent, and during the last couple of years, especially after my divorce, I learned that it was okay to ask my friends and family for help when I needed it.  I have a great support system of people more than willing to drop everything and help me if need be.

3.  I am more at peace with myself and life in general.  I can let go of most things that bother me fairly easily.  Of course, there are problems that do not just immediately go away, but I have learned that just sleeping on an issue does wonders for my perspective on the problem.  

4.  I am a better person.  I care about other people and the well-being of mankind in general.  I am not any more outgoing, but I do not desire to be.  I make the correct decisions and am living life as honestly as I can.

5.  I have become able to be self-employed.  This allows me to attend college full time.  I am currently in my seventh semester of college.

6.  I have become a better communicator.  Cody is usually quite the talker, and he has brought me out of my shell.  I can really let my guard down when it is just him and me, and I love that about our relationship.

7.  I am more organized, yet more relaxed at the same time (if that makes any sense at all).

8.  I am more confident.  I have never really lacked in the self-confidence department, but having someone who loves me and has my back 100% of the time has boosted my confidence level.

9.  I am a better mom.  Having a partner to share the load of the monotonous, day-to-day parenting tasks is priceless.  Equally great is having that same person there so share in all of the joy, laughter, and silliness that are involved with raising our kids.

10.  I am happy...the happiest I have ever been...enough said.

Next topic for my blogging challenge is, "What kind of person attracts you?"  I will try to keep the material different that what is in this post, but be ready to read a lot more information about Cody and why I am attracted to him. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

blogging challenge, day 1: weird things I do when I am alone

My alone time is very limited, therefore I don't feel as though any of the things that I do when I am alone are necessarily weird, but maybe they are.  Usually during time when I am alone, I:

1. Take a shower or a bath
2.  Do homework
3.  Do chores around the house
 4.  Binge watch television, mostly on Netflix.  (Although, we recently watched Shameless, seasons 1-4, and it is a phenomenal show.  I cannot wait for the current season to go to DVD.)
5.  In the early morning hours, before the kids wake, I drink coffee and read several blogs and scroll through Facebook, then do homework.
6.  During my work hours, I am often alone, which I really enjoy.
7.  I also spend alone time just trying to relax and recharge.  I am very much an introverted person, and I need quiet to be a good partner to Cody and momma to my kids. 
8.  I listen to music when I am alone, usually pandora stations such as Girl Talk, Boombox, and EDM.  I like to crank music if I am cleaning.  If I am studying, I listen to my "classical music for studying" station, and it is great, too.

This list wasn't too interesting, but I am a pretty boring person (and I like it that way--the less drama, the better).  Next topic is "How have you changed in the last two years?"  Cody and I have been together for two years, and I have grown so much during our relationship.  That post will be more in depth and personal, look for it in the next few days.  

Life is great lately, Cody and the kids are awesome. Life is busy, but we love it.  Until next time...

Saturday, February 21, 2015

iA 30 Day Blog Challenge...This would be fun to do and then put away for my daughters to read when they get a little older--Let them see me as opposed to "mom"
I thought that attempting to participate in a blogging challenge may be a good way for me to get back into writing.  Thirty days straight may be a stretch for me, so I am setting the goal of blogging about all of these topics over the next six weeks.  Right now, I am procrastinating.  I have some accounting homework to attend to, as well as a few small assignments.  In my defense, I have successfully taken an exam and two quizzes this morning...I felt as though a small brain-break was in order.  Upon completion of school, I will be writing a post about #1 on the list, weird things I do when I'm alone...should be interesting.  :)  Stay tuned!