Tuesday, December 23, 2014

(Breathe. Repeat.)

It has been far too long since I have posted any substance here on my blog.  The semester got the best of me, and sucked me of life, energy, and emotion.  I was successful.  It is over.  The next one will be starting in less than a month.   Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for my situation.  I actually enjoy my job (most of the time) and I also love learning, attending college, and working toward a goal. 

I spent a lot of time over the past five or six months worrying.  About everything.  I get so frustrated with myself, because it takes very little to induce worry, and I can admit that I waste too much time fretting and thinking about situations (past, present, or future) that I do not have direct control over.  I have a hard time just letting things be, and having a sense of control helps keep the anxiety in check.  I am a real piece of work, huh?

I am luck to have a patient and loving fiance, and the best kids.  I also have a huge extended family that includes a few close friends who support me through each day, whether it be good or one that is more difficult.  I am finally getting back into a routine with my yoga, which has had tremendous benefits in the three weeks I have been back at it.

My dear friend, Ellen, has had a major treatment for her cancer and is doing WONDERFULLY.  Things are moving more quickly than we all expected, and I am thrilled that her body is getting stronger and the treatment is working!  She is one important lady in my life, and it warms my heart to know she is feeling better.

We are all excited to start our holiday festivities this week.  Cody and I both have long days today (though his will be much longer, probably a 12-14 hour day) but we will then have the next five days off, which will be wonderful.  

I need to get the pictures from my phone uploaded to my computer, so I do not have any of those to post today.  I will be writing more soon, getting back into my blog will be just as beneficial as picking up yoga again.  We all need an outlet, and those two are mine... I am regretful that I have neglected both for so long, but am going to focus on this moment.  I will be present.  The light in me acknowledges the light in you... Namaste.   :))

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I have take three out of four finals, and will take the last one tomorrow (all successfully)!!!  I will be writing more soon, when I have time to clear out my brain a bit.  Have been back into yoga, and could not be happier about it.  Will post more soon, and a lot of pictures.  :)