Monday, October 17, 2016

an attempt to catch up

It has been more than six months since I have written on my blog.  I miss it.  I have a list of specific blogs that I read daily, it is part of my morning wake up/coffee routine.  I hope to update more often, for the sake of documenting the little things that we so easily forget when the days turn into years.  

So much has happened since April! 

 We got married in our living room on May 27, surrounded by family and a few special friends.  It was intimate, and it was so perfect for us.  We actually planned (correction, Cody planned--long story for another day) the wedding in three days.  We pulled it off and will never regret a second of it.  It was really special and something that I will never forget.  We initially planned on having a reception at a later time, but unless someone wants to plan and host a reception for us, it just is not going to happen.  We are beyond okay with that.  Life is just too busy, and planning a reception ranks very low on our priority list.  

Summer flew by even though some days I thought we would never get to autumn.  I like living in a place where we experience all four seasons in all their glory, but the older I get, the more I dislike the heat.  I could live in a fall/winter climate area year round.  During summer we swam, kept up with Caden and Laica's activities, and had a backyard camp out with our friends and their kids over labor day weekend.  We sent summer off with a bang, and I think that all in attendance would agree.  

School is going great for the big kids.  Caden is in third grade, and was chosen to be tested for the gifted program through the school system.  He made it and we could not be more proud of him.  His major unit class that he is taking is Robotics, and he absolutely loves it.  I am so very proud of my little guy.  He is growing into a very kind, responsible, helpful, polite, and intelligent young man.  I just know that he will do great things with his life.

Laica got her same teacher as last year and is in a class split with kindergarten and first grade.  At first she was a little disappointed (she loves her teacher but was looking forward to being one of the bigger kids in a first grade class) but she seems to be having a great year.  When she learned she would get to be in charge of helping a kindergarten student, she was all smiles.  Laica is a great leader and loves to give direction.  She can be a little bossy, but I have no idea where she gets that from.  ;)  

Penelope is full of sass.  She started walking at nine months.  I never really believed people when they said their child walked at eight or nine months, now I have no doubt that it happens.  Laica walked when she was in her tenth month, so I expected Penny to walk early, too.  I did not expect her to do it at nine months.  Now, at almost 11 months, she is a pro and trying to run.  Her stocky stature doesn't make her very fast, but we are in for some work with this kid.  She is the perfect baby for our family.  Penelope is so fun and always has us laughing.  She loves to dance and has some pretty sweet moves.  I like to think she gets it from her mama.  (Ha!) Penny loves to play peek a boo, be chased around by the kids, eat--she has at least eight teeth, and she is always shaking her head and telling us "no, no, no!"  She is so funny, and we are all smitten.


Cody and I got to go on our honeymoon at the beginning of the month.  We went all over the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and it was perfect.  The scenery was gorgeous, the mountains are where we are meant to be.  We have plans.  They are long term, as we have some kids to raise and get off to college, but we will eventually have our own little home out in the mountains.  Cody and I have so much fun together.  We laugh all the time, and when I am being a grouch he can always get me to smile.  He is the best, I could go on and on, but I will save that for another day.  

Cody had his birthday on October 7, and we had a blast celebrating with our good friends.  We both had great birthdays this year, we partied hard and paid for it the next day.  We have a damn good group of friends, and I love when we get all of our kids together.  

I should write more, but I am expecting Caden and Laica to be home any minute from their dad's.  All kids are out of school today and I am taking them with me to work.  We will have a good day, but it will be a busy one... at least we are accustomed to the busy.  I will try to update again soon, Laica and Penny both have birthdays coming up in November.


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